According to information coming out of Athens, there will be another ethnic Bulgarian that is likely to enter Greek Parliament. It's famous football player Traianos Dellas, whose original name is Trayan Nedelkov and is well known for his hatred towards Macedonia despite both of his parents being ethnic Bulgarians. 'Dellas' grew up speaking Bulgarian, but today similarly to former PM Karamanlis is the biggest "Greek" of all.
However, Dellas would not be the only ethnic Bulgarian MP in Athens. Another Bulgarian MP in Greek Parliament is Aggelos Tolkas, who just few days ago was attacked at a Restaurant in Negush (Naoussa) for voting 'yes' for Greece's austerity measures. The mob attacked mostly his food, according to local reports Tolkas had his meal stolen.
Tolkas' family hails from Veshtica (Agelohori) where the main language spoken is Bulgarian. He too, just like his family speaks Bulgarian. During the election campaign, when needing votes, Tolkas was known to visit Bulgarian villages in the Negush region and mingle with locals who in turn saw him as "their own".
Tolkas was very clever and spoke Bulgarian only when needed, i.e. when he needed votes for Parliament. He never was involved or helped ethnic Bulgarians who waged battles in and outside of Greek Parliament for more rights. His re-election is now very much in doubt. Greeks saw him as a sell out, while the Bulgarians were very disappointed with his attitude towards them once he was elected.
Although Tolkas was of no help to the Bulgarians, he was no match for another ethnic Bulgarian Stelious Papathemelis who was one of the most famous jannisary against the Bulgarians in Greece.
Papathemelis was born in the village of Visoka, near Solun. In 1928 Athens ironically changed the name of the village by giving it another Bulgarian name (Osa).
Papathemelis was a Minister in multiple PASOK Governments. His most famous statement is "If Skopjans feel they are Macedonians, then they are Greeks, only Greeks are Macedonians".
Papathemelos was replaced by another ethnic Bulgarian, Yorgos Tanos who was born in the village of Javoreni (Platani). More Bulgarians from the Voden and Lerin (Florina) region were involed in Greek politics - Traianos Petkanis born in Ovcarani and Pavlos Altinis from Gorno Vrbeni, however none managed to climb higher on the ladder.
Lastly, footballer Traianos Dellas/ Trayan Nedelkov, another ethnic Bulgarian who is well known to the Macedonian Bulgarian public after controversial remarks at a press conference during UEFA Cup match between AS Roma and FC Vardar.
When asked about his origins by a Macedonian Bulgarian journalist (in Bulgarian), Dellas/Nedelkov didn't wait for a translation, but answered that he was Greek and is aware of only 'Greek Macedonia'.
Traianos has been offered an MP seat with the LAOS party, so we may have another Bulgarian Janissary in Greek Parliament. It seems that everyone, Dellas included will end up where they need to end up. //Mile Velkovski, contributor -
Jorgos Papadakis
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