Macedonia is not Greek. Megali idea is based on the occupation and denationalization of a territory over which it does not have any historical rights.
At the end I would like to have a look into the future. I would also like to make a comparison between the Greek ,,Megale idea" and the Bulgarian national idea. While the task of the Greek "Megale idea" is the occupation and denationalization of a territory, over which it does not have any historical rights with the exception of the right of the conqueror and the idea is based on the hypothetical pan-Hellenism, the Bulgarian national idea is based on the human values: freedom of expression, freedom of thoughts and freedom of religion (Levski, Botev and Rakovski). When the Greek national hero Pavlos Melas died in Macedonia, when the Greek rebels like jackals were trying to tear the bleeding Macedonia after the Ilinden Uprising, the great son of Macedonia Gotze Delchev said the memorable words: „I understand the world solely as a field for cultural competition of nations". What could justify the moral right to dominate a land, which had been populated by a nation only for a few centuries /the ancient Macedonian/, for whom science has proven they do not have anything to do with the ancient Hellenes and had ceased to exist in 148 A.D., while 15 centuries the same land has been inhabited by one and the same Slav nation? Out of the presentation herein, it is evident that the discrimination policy against Bulgarians in Aegean Macedonia is a strictly followed national policy.
The question here is: Is such policy in the interest of Greece itself at the beginning of the new century? Isn't it better for Greece to stop supporting such an ultra-racial idea and listen to the voice of the people creating a new Europe?
Not long ago 169 Greek intellectuals said it out-loud: ,,The Government, political parties, prominent journalists, high-ranking officers and the Church are giving signals for immediate danger. Greece is presented as continuously surrounded and aimed for suffocating by its enemies... We wish to live in peace with all nations in the Balkans... There is nothing abnormal in the existence of one harmonious society, which is built by different cultures and ethnoses. On the contrary - the reverse is admired. It is a real disgrace to suppress and eliminate minorities in the name of national unity. Let's respect these minorities, as we respect each citizen of Greece. We do not need neither to eliminate them, nor to assimilate them. On the contrary, we insist they have the same rights and opportunities as each one of us and support their specific rights as language, religion and politics, emerging from their ethnic base. Finally, isn't it this that the Greek Government requests constantly from other nations, where Greek minorities live?" /the ,,Elefterotipiya" newspaper, 30.03.1992/.
Helsinki proclaimed the inviolable borders within Europe, but also proclaimed the universal human rights. According this universal principle, representing the active international law, we have the full moral and legal reason to request recovery of Bulgarian churches and schools and freedom to use the mother-tongue for our fellow- nationals in Aegean Macedonia. It is sad that at the end of the XX century Bulgarians born in Aegean Macedonia cannot go to visit relatives, grand and great-grand children. I repeat again: it is in the interest of the Greek state to stop denationalizing the Bulgarian population in Aegean Macedonia. Only thus shall be open the future for normal relations between Greece and Bulgaria, disregarding what political parties are in power. Only thus can Greece depend on Bulgaria in any circumstances. Let us not forget the Bulgarian saying that the neighbor is more important than the relative. Let the Athens authorities finally understand that we are not enemies of the Greek state, which proclaims to be the cradle of democracy. We only want that democracy is also valid for Bulgarians in Aegean Macedonia. Let people in Greece do not forget that thousands of Bulgarians have fought for the independence of Greece twice and also learn something that is hidden from Greek society: during World War II Tzar Boris III did not accept the offer of Mussolini to have Italy and Bulgaria attack Greece simultaneously and his proposal that Bulgaria ,,overtakes all territories she thinks are hers".
The answer of Tzar Boris was the following: ,,0ur destiny is to live with our neighbors and we do not wish to use their suffering. We want revision of treaties which is done in a peaceful way".
And let them not forget the inscription at Filipy near Drahmas, through which Khan Presian warns: ,,God sees him that Seeks truth, but also sees him that lies. Bulgarians have done many good deeds to the Byzantines, but they have forgotten them! But God sees!"
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